Pre-Orders of Under False Flags Now Shipping

Get it early! Word has it that pre-orders of Under False Flags: A Novel are now arriving from Amazon and Barnes & Noble in advance of its September 2 release in stores. Pre-order at Powell's Books (my hometown bookstore), AmazonBarnes & Noble, Indiebound (for your local bookstore), and others. More links here, including the audiobook version also out September 2. The ebook version should follow soon this fall.

In Under False Flags, the relentless bloodbath of World War II has become a treacherous prison for both American GI Wendell Lett and German Navy seaman Holger Frings. Lett’s Belgian lover Heloise offers him deliverance from war, but soon Lett is forced into a reckless false flag mission at the same time that Frings must join a similar German operation just as deadly.

The two enemies' fates collide in December 1944 during the bloody Battle of the Bulge. When Lett and Frings find themselves stranded together, they decide to desert and team up to help Lett find his way back to his Heloise in her war-ravaged town. Under False Flags is a gritty war tale that turns conventional notions of heroism and honor on their head.

Published by Yucca Publishing, a new imprint of Skyhorse Publishing